Remove unused CSS
Do you know that an unused CSS file makes your site slow down? Yes, there are some external CSS files must need to download before the website get load if there is a lot of CSS files it will take time to download
those CSS files so until that user has to wait as a common practice visitors don’t wait more than 3 seconds to site get loads.
there are several tools that you can check unused CSS files but careful when you deleting any of the CSS files, as a good practice have a local backup before deleting any CSS.
there are several tools that you can check unused CSS files but careful when you deleting any of the CSS files, as a good practice have a local backup before deleting any CSS.
Helping Tools: Purge CSS, PurifyCSS, Google developer tool.
And also you can get the facility from here very soon.
And also you can get the facility from here very soon.
Remove unused JavaScript
Do you know that an unused CSS file makes your site slow down? Yes, there are some external CSS files must need to download before the website get load if there is a lot of CSS files it will take time to download
those JS files so until that user has to wait as a common practice visitors don’t wait more than 3 seconds to site get loads.
there are several tools that you can check unused JS files but careful when you deleting any of the JS files because some scripts may can link with hidden features of the website, as a good practice have a local backup before deleting any JavaScript file.
there are several tools that you can check unused JS files but careful when you deleting any of the JS files because some scripts may can link with hidden features of the website, as a good practice have a local backup before deleting any JavaScript file.
Helping Tools: Assest cleanup, Google developer tool.
And also you can get the facility from here very soon.
And also you can get the facility from here very soon.
Website Loading Time?
Yes, you want more concern about your website loading time, ideallya
website mobile load time is 1 – 2 seconds, 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if the website take longer than 3 seconds to load, and also less speed sites will be reasoning to get lower seo ranking that may reasining to site not ranking to search engine top sections.
website mobile load time is 1 – 2 seconds, 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if the website take longer than 3 seconds to load, and also less speed sites will be reasoning to get lower seo ranking that may reasining to site not ranking to search engine top sections.
Helping Tools: Assest cleanup, Google developer tool.
And also you can get the facility from here very soon.
And also you can get the facility from here very soon.
Descriptive Text
Yes, you want more concern about your website loading time, ideally, a website mobile load time is 1 – 2 seconds, 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if the website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, and also fewer speed sites will be reasoning to get lower SEO ranking that may reason to site negative ranking.
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alt Attributes
It’s a short descriptive alternative text, just say with the less speed internet connection if the image fails to load alt text use as a placeholder so the user can understand what image can be. for that also can use ARIA labels, but that is not limited to that alt tab is use for many tags
Image should have short descriptive text for web site good practices
Don't do like this it will reasoning to negetive SEO rank

Ensure the site is crawlable
Crawlable means links within your website discover and followed by search engine spiders, spiders & bots are programs that search engine send out to find and re-visit content, is SEO spider couldn’t find following site links, the page will not be included in SEO.
Make sure to have href= on attribute tags.
Helping Tips: if the site is not crawlable make sure to make crawlable available for Google SEO use Google search console
ARIA is shorthand for Accessible Rich Internet Applications. ARIA is an attribute that can add to HTML elements that define ways to make web content accessible to users with technologies (AT). When accessibility issues cannot be managed with native HTML, ARIA can help bridge those gaps.
Each ID in the site should be unique using the same ID more than one element man can cause a problem to the reader as the assistive technology only announce with the first shared ID. so the other ID doesn’t show any.
Following example shows the one ID with two elements one ID should be changed
User Scalable
User Scalable option gives the user to zoom the website if your site sets it as a “user-scalable=no” it disables the browser zoom on a web page.
As a good practice, you should assign user-scalable to less than 5 value recommended 1 which gives a zoom facility for your website.
Helping Tips: user-scalable=1 – User able to zoom the website
user-scalable=yes (default) – allow the user to zoom in or out on the web page;
user-scalable=no – prevent zooming option from user.
HTTPS – Secure site
All websites should be protected with HTTPS, even the site which doesn’t handle sensitive data, because that provide end to end encryption from the server-side and the user site which helps to protect your site from attacks and keep user data and your site data safe.
You can get this service from your host provider some providers will charge additional cost and some hosting packages come with limited time offer.
Links to cross-origin destinations
When you link to a page on another site using the target = “_ blank” attribute, you can expose your site to performance and security issues
- Other pages also run in the same process as your page, if the other page running a lot of JS your page’s performance may also suffer.
- Adding rel=”noopener” or rel=”noreferrer” to your target=”_blank” links avoids these issues.